Which churches should be a part of the Northeast Rochester parish?
Corpus Christi, St. Michael, Annunciation
Corpus Christi, St. Michael, St. Andrew
Corpus Christi, St. Michael, OLPH
Corpus Christi, OLPH, St. Andrew
Corpus Christi, Annunciation, St. Andrew
St. Michael, Annunciation, St. Andrew
St. Michael, St. Andrew, OLPH
St. Michael, Annunciation, OLPH
OLPH, St. Andrew, Annunciation
OLPH, Corpus Christi, Annunciation
[View results]
12/22/2010 Which job is more demanding?
10/25/2010 Which churches should be a part of the Northeast Rochester parish?
07/06/2010 Which kind of church do you prefer?
07/06/2010 How often do you get to daily Mass?
07/06/2010 What is Bishop Clark's "legacy" with almost 999 days left in his episcopate?
07/06/2010 Which style of Catholic liturgy do you prefer to attend?
07/06/2010 How do you see that your children receive a good Catholic education?
07/06/2010 Who is the greatest bishop in DoR history?
07/06/2010 How do you prefer to make your Confession?
07/06/2010 When somebody says something bad about Roman Catholicism, what is your reaction?
07/06/2010 Will you contribute to the Diocese of Rochester's Catholic Ministries Appeal this year?
07/06/2010 How do you receive Communion?
07/06/2010 How much reading have you done of the Good Book?
07/06/2010 Which hymn causes the most damage to your ear drums?
07/06/2010 How many DoR churches do you think will close by July 15th 2012?
07/06/2010 What is the largest number of EMHC that you have seen at a DoR Mass?
07/06/2010 Which is your favorite Gospel?
07/06/2010 Where is your parish's tabernacle located?
07/06/2010 Which of the following best describes the homily you heard this Sunday?
05/31/2010 Which is your favorite humorous Vocatus Es poster?
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