12/22/2010 | Which job is more demanding? |
10/25/2010 | Which churches should be a part of the Northeast Rochester parish? |
07/06/2010 | Which kind of church do you prefer? |
07/06/2010 | How often do you get to daily Mass? |
07/06/2010 | What is Bishop Clark's "legacy" with almost 999 days left in his episcopate? |
07/06/2010 | Which style of Catholic liturgy do you prefer to attend? |
07/06/2010 | How do you see that your children receive a good Catholic education? |
07/06/2010 | Who is the greatest bishop in DoR history? |
07/06/2010 | How do you prefer to make your Confession? |
07/06/2010 | When somebody says something bad about Roman Catholicism, what is your reaction? |
07/06/2010 | Will you contribute to the Diocese of Rochester's Catholic Ministries Appeal this year? |
07/06/2010 | How do you receive Communion? |
07/06/2010 | How much reading have you done of the Good Book? |
07/06/2010 | Which hymn causes the most damage to your ear drums? |
07/06/2010 | How many DoR churches do you think will close by July 15th 2012? |
07/06/2010 | What is the largest number of EMHC that you have seen at a DoR Mass? |
07/06/2010 | Which is your favorite Gospel? |
07/06/2010 | Where is your parish's tabernacle located? |
07/06/2010 | Which of the following best describes the homily you heard this Sunday? |
05/31/2010 | Which is your favorite humorous Vocatus Es poster? |